The Treasury initiated a consultation on the R&D patent box. This page is a summary of contributions to the debate as well as responses to HM Treasury consultations.

Response to HM Treasury Informal Consultation on the Patent Box (Full Submission to Treasury) February 2011

Proposal: To regard profit streams from different uses of a drug separately even if they derive from the same patent.

Response: This proposal is no longer required because of the way in which profits attributable to IP are now proposed to be calculated, as published on 6th December 2011.

Proposal: Eligibility for the Patent Box should require a high proportion of relevant R&D other than clinical trials to take place in the UK

Response: This anti-avoidance measure is no longer needed because of the changed way in which the benefit from the patent box will be calculated as per the Government's announcement on 6th December 2011.

Response to HM Treasury Further Consultation on the Patent Box (Full Submission to Treasury) - September 2011

Proposal: To allow companies to continue to benefit from the Patent Box even after ceasing to be involved in decision-taking over the relevant patent, providing that the company is actively working on other

Response: The recommended change was accepted on 6th December 2011.

Proposal: The proposals for splitting the profits between patents and other forms of IP should be changed. The value of IP is not closely linked to the cost of creating it

Response: The recommended change was accepted on 6th December 2011.

Response to HM Treasury “Above the line” Consultation on the Patent Box (Full – June 2012

Proposal: All companies should receive the full ATL credit immediately.

Response: My recommendation was essentially accepted by the Government in December 2012.

What Women Want: A Manifesto for Health 2010 (Wide-ranging publication with articles from 17 women, compiled by 2020health, Barbara’s article on pages 9 - 12)

Proposal: Encourage investors to invest   in biotechnology companies through tax benefits & grants

Response: Treasury proposals put forward in November 2010 over the patent box and R&D tax credits.